The theme for this week`s PhotoHunt is
thankful. The Norwegian people are
pleased and thankful to hear
"full tank, please!" We found oil in 1968, and thanks to that Norway today is one of the richest countryes in the world. I am
thankful to live in this beautiful country, which is rich of soo much more than the oil.
Vilken komposition och jag gillar verkligen att du hela bilden går i svartvitt utom bensinpumpen som står ut i färg - läckert!
Och självklart tacksam är man för oljan!
Ha en riktigt fin helg!
Och titta gärna in och se vad jag är tacksam för :)
Kram Anna
I love what you've done with the black & white / blue!
What a great picture - what is its history?
I always thought Norway displayed a great deal more sense than the UK regarding oil.
Ireland could do the same with gas if they ever stop arguing about the pipeline.
wow, for ett bilde. Dette falt meg heeelt i smak!!!! kjempe fine farger du har trukket ut!
Interesting scene. Funny but if not for the non-English words in the picture, I'd think that it looked like a small town out west -- or down south -- in the USA!
Very interesting, I love how it feels!
Cool shot and neat sentiment!
Have a great weekend, and stop by if you get the chance...
What a fantastic photo, the whole feeling it evokes. I love the use of color and B & W together and the whole composition of the shot. It is also a very interesting take on the thankful theme.
Mine is up at:
Happy Photo Hunt!
great picture!! what a wonderful thing to be thankful for :)
Photohunt : Thankful
I learned something new today, thanks to you. Hope you can check mine here:http://prettyfabulous.blogspot.com/
That's a nice take for this week's theme. I love your shot. have a great weekend!
What an absolutely wonderful photo you captured there. And yes being able to keep a full tank of gasoline is something to be very thankful these days.
Thanks for the wonderful share!!
Happy day!!:-)
I'll be thankful if the price of fuel is to go down :P
A great take for this week's theme :)
Ja, det er sant :) det stedet der hadde passet utmerket til bryllupsbildeserien vår :) Fantastik at noen virkelig har satt i sammen dette her. Vi har noe lignende på nøtterøy. Der det er bygget opp en gammel BP stasjon. Innmari stilig den stasjonen også!
Amazing picture by any means!
Have a great weekend.
breathtaking images u have. It's been a week and i'm swarmed w beauty as seen thru your lenses.
btw, wad prog did u use to mod your pics?
Very excellent post, i love that classic look.
That is a good choice for the theme and thanks for sharing it to us. TC
Ja, vi har virkelig mye å være takknemlig for! Det er ingen selvfølge, når vi tenker på alle de som ikke har mat eller noen ting.. Vi er priviligert.
Flott bilde igjen fra deg!
Takk for hyggelig hilsen,- og ha ei flott helg!
Love the picture and the effects, I have never been to Norway, I will be thankful if I ever do :)
Happy weekend!!
I don't think I've been to your site before, but your photos are amazing!
Great photos! Love what you have done with the coloring and composition.
Wow!!!!I love the effects of your shot,amazing .
Thanks for sharing .
Vilken härlig bild!
Visst är man ju taksam för oljan men nog kan man vara tacksam för dina härliga bilder med. Tack för att du delar dem med oss.
Och tack för besöket. Ha en skön helg.
Very nice photo, the gas pump really stood out. Here's mine http://www.mirasblog.com/2009/02/photo-hunt-8-thankful.html
I enjoyed looking through your page and your husbands, amazing pictures
Great photo and theme! I also thank you for showing us the great beauty of Norway.
What a superb photo. Happy weekend!
Beautifully done!
beautiful Norway, I like it that the only color in the pic is the gasoline tank:)
My PH entry is up too.
That is a GREAT photo!
PS... Thought you might be interested... (re the Mobile "flying red horse" logo)...
Also, John Gorka (a very favorite musician of mine) wrote a lovely song called "Flying Red Horse" about the Mobile horse leaping free of its sign and roaming the land... It is a beautiful song.
The video here has John Gorka talking about his music and then he sings the song... It is just lovely...
Great shot!! As always..
I didn't know that fact about Norway!
the perfect photo for this sort of effect ... thanks for visiting and commenting.. happy to provide any number of laughs!!!
What a great job you've done with that photo. It's wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by my site and for sharing the Norwegian "F" word. :)
I didn't know this...thanks for sharing!
Har sett gjennom dei siste bilda dine. FANTASTISK!
Du har auge for dei gode motiva ser eg!
Klem :)
Gold Medal for you on this weeks Photo Hunt.
It's really fantastic - - -
But I'm affraid the english spoken people around this tiny Globe do not understand your "word-playing".
In Norwegian:
Fantastisk bilde og preparering.
Mitt er også i sort og hvitt denne uke, men jeg har ikke programvare installert til å fremheve eller det motsatte.
For meg er du en artist (jeg kjenner deg jo ikke, så kanskje er du det)
Ha en flott søndag
Takk for meget hyggelig kommentar.
Jeg ser du liker natur.
Og vet du hva: Vi bor på Hurum-landet fra ca 1. mai til første uke av oktober. Her har vi kano, som vi bruker på innsjøene på halvøya, vi har druer i hagen + +.
Med andre ord, mange utsøkte fotoobjekter. Doh har jeg kun en D60. Men også en llle en, som jeg kan ta med ned under vannet.
Skriv, hvis du vil. e-posten finner du på min blog-profil
PS. Min morfar var fra Drammen. Hurra.
Fantastic shot!
Thanks for checking in on Jack and Jill.
Great photo! Thanks for stopping by my PH entry!
Beautiful take and shot.
Thanks for visiting mine:)
I really like the selective color in this image. I believe this is probably the most creative PhotoHunt interpretation I've seen today.
Lovely photos and yes, we have to appreciate the things that we have while we have these and not when we don't have these anymore.
Happy Sunday and thanks for the wonderful photos you have been sharing in your blog :)
So you are actually very "TANK-ful" for that full tank,... lol. Great post. I posted late, come on by.
Dette bildet var bare knæsjt Lene!!!
Utrolig stilig å bare beholde pumpa i farger!
Også var det noe med at de fargene gjorde seg bare så bra til det sort/hvite og de gamle tingene;)
Min bedre halvdel skulle engang lære meg hvordan jeg beholdt fargen på en ting og sort/hvitt på alt annet...men det var noe med tålmodigheten min, som har gjort at jeg ikke har satt meg inn i dette enda...hehe
Må skjerpe meg....for dette er jo gøy!
Duuuu.....bare pass deg så jeg ikke tar deg på ordet;) hihi
Spørs om det ikke hadde blitt to blåfrosne rumper som satt på den benken.
Kunne tenkt meg litt mindre snø på benken først, før skravlestund med boller og kakao;)
Men juhuuu....det er første mars!
Snart er våren her:)
Og da....!
Deilig med frihelg her også!
Skal i bursdag til ene tanteungen idag da, men det er jo bare kos!
Ha en fortsatt fin helg min venn!
What a great old garage. How do you do that clever colour stuff?!
Very well done!! I love this picture!!
What a wonderfully old-fashioned picture! I love your sentiment as well. Your country is obviously very beautiful, and well worth your feelings of thankfulness.
Et flott bilde som alltid! Du har virkelig blikk for dette med motiv!
Derfor har jeg plukket ut bl.a. deg til en sånn "award" du vet - som jeg fikk av en annen. Vet ikke hvordan du ser på slikt - og det gjør ingenting om du ikke nevner det på bloggen. Men - den kan i allefall hentes på bloggen min - og sier noe om at mine visitter på bloggen din alltid er en spennende og inspirerende opplevelse for meg!
Wow!!!! That is a very cool photo! Thanks!
Haha, you really should feel really thankful of living in such a beautiful country as Norway!
What a great photo! I like how the gas pump is emphasized.
It's a blessing to live in a beautiful and rich country.
Wow, that is so beautiful! Thanks for visiting mine and have a great week.
What a neat photo! I love all the classic items with the 'like' hand coloring. Very pretty.
Love the composition. Very classic!
hvordan gjordet du det???
veldig tøft - den blå - mot det grå...
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