Monday, February 2, 2009

Odd Shot

And then - to build another bridge between the two memes posted below and this meme - halv of my Odd Shot is monochrome.
Home, swEet hoMe... ;)

For more Odd Shots - please visit Mrs. Katney`s Kaboodle.


Rune Eide said...

"But is it art?" Your picture is - but is your subject?

Mine will me up a little later.

Anonymous said...

I like this. I like the blast of color.

Roan said...

Nicely done! Love the combo.

Katney said...

That square of color in the midst of the monochrome of winter is delightful. A very artful piece of photography, if maybe not a welcome bit of art in the neighborhood.

Sus said...

Jeg har kigget på dine billeder og de er bare så utroligt smukke! Du er vel nok dygtig.

Anonymous said...

What a neat shot! A lot to wonder about...

Mamapippa ... said...

Thanks for giving me a link here !
This is my first international link !
Have a nice day !

Anne said...

Jøss, noen fargerike folk som bor der gitt :-)) Tøft!!

Dragonstar said...

A fun shot! I like the way you've isolated the colours.

Linda said...

Tøft bilde....Kom ikke inn på den andre linken.Ha en fin uke Lene!
Klem fra Linda :))

TwD said...

I'm not sure I understood what it is but it's nice spot of colours...

Ice Pony Girl said...

Love it!!!

litenIda said...

Tøft bilde! Så mange lekre farger! :)

~ ♥ LISBETH ♥~ said...

Heisan Lene! Som du leker deg med kamera og skaper de stiligste bilder. Tøft! Er like spennende hver gang du poster innlegg, da løper jeg inn her for å se hva du har knipset.
Håper du har det smachings godt. Her er det "isekaldt", brrr, men med kulden kommer dagslyset ,absolutt en fordel med sollys fremfor grå tåke, så da får jeg bite kulden i meg og klappe igjen snasken..hi hi. Fyrer i ovnen og trallala , det går så bra.
Ha en kjekk dag.

fotosbrujas said...

I do not understand very well your language either. I am Spanish and my english is very wrong, since you can see. But you have reason. The language of the photographies I understand it and I like your work, I will return without doubting it. An affectionate greeting
Nice work¡¡
Thanks for your coment in "Fotosbrujas"

annalarssonphotography said...

Tack för din fina kommentar om min bild :)
Jag måste köpa reservbatteri till min kamera då jag märkt att det har en förmåga att alltid ta slut, just när jag håller på att få till DEN bilden!

Jag ska mejla dig så jag får läsa din andra blogg. :)
Men att komma in här bland dina otroliga bilder, är som att andas för mig!

Jag beundrar verkligen din tolkning av Monochrome Bridges Between.
Den är helt underbar och får mig att tänka vidare.. Otroliga skuggor i vattnet!

Jag jobbar mycket med ord.
Och den bilden är en sådan bild som jag skulle kunna skriva poesi till.

Hoppas du får en riktigt fin eftermiddag!
Kram från Anna :)

Ingrid said...

That looks very nice and colorful, not exactly my dream house but still !
BTW such dog toilets are in most of the Brussels' parcs to avoid that the dog poos everywhere. It works quite well. In some areas they also have such toilets in the streets.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is definitely a statement piece

Unknown said...

What a cool picture.

TorAa said...

I'm simply impressed.
This is an artist view and capture

Anonymous said...

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